More than hiring people to get specific jobs done, the purpose of recruitment is to ensure that the people you hire share your company values in their behaviors and actions. Sadly, traditional approaches on recruitment fail to align hires with company values. Traditional recruitment relies heavily on qualifications and experiences without taking into consideration whether the candidate will fit the company culture.
What most recruiters don’t realize is that the recruitment process impacts many people—including new hires, their friends and colleagues, as well as your company. Your company’s satisfaction with the quality of the hired candidates is just as important as candidate satisfaction. Understand that talent attracts talent, which means that investing on better approaches to your recruitment is important to bring in the right people.
Here are some ways to add value in your talent acquisition process:
- Employ values-based interviewing
Try asking situational questions that will allow candidates give examples of how they responded to specific issues in the past. Values-based interviewing is a structured means of exploring examples of applicants’ work behaviors, rooted in organizational values and behavior. It will focus on how and why candidates reacted in such a way toward their work and will explore the reasons behind those behaviors. Knowledge of this, coupled with the candidate’s experiences and competencies will provide a comprehensive view—a metric in order to pinpoint those candidates that closely align with the company’s organizational values.
- Provide real tasks to demonstrate how a candidate approaches his work
If you want to assess if a person can do the job, why not get him or her to do the nitty-gritty work? If you’re looking for a potential team leader, ask the candidate to meet and discuss with a team of employees regarding a particular action plan or Q&A session. Observe how the candidate behaves around co-workers and works under pressure. You will also receive valuable insights from other team members who took part in the exercise. After all, they will be the same person whom the candidate will work with.
- Make use of recruitment tools
Personality profiling questionnaires can be a great tool to use in your recruitment. Using these will provide you with several behavioral indicators that can be pick-up points to gauge the interview. Psychometric tests are currently gaining popularity with recruiters. Psychometric testing refers to the process of measuring a candidate’s relevant strengths and weaknesses. Recruiters prefer using this tool as it yields more objective results than judgments based on a recruiter’s biases.
- Automate less, talk more
Automation has been employed even in recruiting to speed up the process, given the huge bulk of resumes hiring manages go through every day. However, automation often loses the personal aspect of interviews and becomes black hole recruting.
One significant finding in the 2015 Candidate Preferences Survey revealed that 35% of prospective employees want more human interaction with the company in all steps of the hiring process. According to the survey, this includes status updates at key stages of the hiring process and feedback if the candidate didn’t get the position.
Simply put, this calls for a personalization of your recruitment process. To do so, the report suggests the following:
- Putting first referral candidates
- Using social media and enabling candidates to access information about the company and the position from their smartphone
- Telling candidates when they don’t get the position
- Asking only for the information necessary at each step in the recruitment process
It’s not enough having the latest technology in your recuitment process. In today’s recruitment landscape, you have to take care of your brand not only as an employer but also as a recruiter. The key here is to look beyond the process and offer human connections and build relationships. In an article on LinkedIn, Dr. Bruce R. Pereira, Strategic HR, Leadership and Talent Consultant, Coach and Author, put it best when he said, “If you would not like to go through the process yourself or be treated in that way, then don’t expect your candidates to.”